We honestly don't know how we made it through our engagement. Between graduating, moving, the play, the commencement speech, finishing up senior projects/papers, working, preparing to move to Japan, other weekly commitments, and of coarse, planning the wedding in less than four months, life was a little crazy. The pressure was intense at times, but thanks to all of our wonderful friends and family we made it out alive. We want to take this moment and thank everyone that helped us out during that insane time. And, we apologize for any weird behavior during those few months. Normal eating and sleeping habits went out the window sometime around March and with them went normal social interaction. We're better now.
Our first year of marriage has been many things. It has been challenging, adventurous, romantic, surprising, and at times, absolutely hilarious. Really, we couldn't ask for anything better. We feel thankful for the last 12 months and are looking forward to the next 12.