Joe came down with the swine flu and was out of work for about a week. We went to the hospital on a Sunday, but they were closed to non-emergencies. A nurse sent us to an open clinic. This place was packed full of people (I'm assuming most of whom had the swine flu). Thankfully, the clinic ran like clockwork. After we saw the doctor we went downstairs to get the antibiotics. The pharmacy piled the medicine on. The medicine came in pill, capsule, and powder form. Joe received the Tami-flu capsule, two different pills for his fever, one powered to help his throat, and we're not sure about the last powered. All of the medication came with different instructions, but the people working at the pharmacy were really helpful.
I got sick the following Tuesday. All of Tuesday morning we were sure I had the swine flu. But, when I got to the doctor he said I had just a regular old flu. However, the same medication was prescribed for me.
All the pills, capsules, and powders worked wonders. Although, the doctor recommended that we stay home for a while. And yes, we wore sick masks both in public and inside our house.
Following the flu, came Halloween. At Give Us (my job), we throw Halloween parties for all of our students. This year, I was a piece of tamagoyaki sushi (the egg kind).

Joe dressed up for his English Club Halloween party. He was "The Swine Flu." If you pull down on the strings attached to the wings, they move as if the pig is flying. Clever. This hat could bring a whole new meaning to the phrase, "... when pigs fly."