All of our wildest dreams have come true. We're talking peanut butter, salsa, muffins, and Costco pizza. It was strange wondering through the land of bulk foods, we really almost felt like we were back in Kirkland yet there was something distinctly different. For starters, the place was rather empty and very quiet, we were still the only white people in the building, and there were no samples. We were so thankful when we got off the bus and saw the big, block, letters that read "Costco." However, this all came at a price and we're not just talking yen (although our total was pretty chu-ching). We were very proud that we were able to find it. The subway ride was rather complicated and the bus ride took over a half an hour. The return excursion was a whole other story.

After we had our dinner (the pizza taste almost exactly the same) we packed up our goods into our backpacks, with the exception of a pie and box of macaroni that wouldn't fit, and headed out the door. Now this night was our first night riding the bus, since we were so excited to get to Costco we didn't stop and think about figuring out the rules and routes for bus riding. Turns out this was our first mistake.

Basically, we got on a bus that headed in the right direction to start but within a few blocks had us going in the opposite direction of our subway destination. We made the decision to get off the bus and walk to a route we knew wouldn't fail us. This walk turned out to be a hour hike, in the dark, and carrying our Costco sized groceries. In addition, not only we were weighted down but strolling at a leisurely pace was not an option. We were concerned that if we didn't move quick enough we might not make it to the subway before it closed for the night which meant either spending a lot more money on a cab or walking four hours to get home.

At one point, while walking through a dark and quiet neighborhood a cabdriver spotted us. At first we kind of laughed because he clearly was trying to get our attention by slowing down and waiting for us to catch up with him. We were not interested in paying that kind of money so we walked passed. However, this guy was persistent. He drove up and down the street maybe three or four times and each time waited for us to catch up to him. One time he even turned around, drove down a driveway, waited at the end of the driveway until we passed, and then drove back out on the street. We both were a little freaked out by his aggressive approach but he eventually got the hint and took off.
Thankfully, we used our skills in reading a Japanese map and made it to another bus stop that was sure to take us to the subway. We got a little nervous when it was late cause we knew if it didn't come we were literally going to sprint to make the subway. But it came and we made it to the subway with plenty of time to spare.

In the end, it was all worth it. The little jar cost us almost $5 on sale at the foreign food store whereas the larger jar is about $8 and almost four times as much. What a great deal! It's a little embarrassing how much we love Costco right now.
I laughed out loud at the picture of the peanut butter.
Joe's first speech started with this statement: "I am like a jar of peanut butter," and he hoisted a huge jar of -- I think it was -- Adams peanut butter up on the chair and proceeded to tell us just exactly HOW he was like a jar of peanut butter.
And yes, I still have it on videotape.
nice! did they have better prices on fruit?
This is great!!!
Congratulations on finding Pizza and Peanut Butter that is suitable to your taste buds! Hope all continues to go well!
Lis Keifer-Kraus
You guys have a Costco?! Oh man, you'll never want for anything. There were times when Juli and I would have killed, literally, for a huge Costco pumpkin pie or some decent pizza.
Good luck with the winter!
I love your blog. This made me laugh really hard!
I love hearing the tales of your adventures! They're awesome!!!
your story made me want to go costco! now you can understand how much we LOVED going to Uwajimaya eventhough it is kind of expensive to shop there!
-yukako :)
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